Posted 07 Dec 2008 is operated by Trace Mayer who holds a degree in Accounting from Brigham Young University, a law degree from California Western School of Law and studies the Austrian school of economics. He works as an entrepreneur, investor, journalist and monetary scientist. applies monetary science and theory to the current financial environment from the perspective of an entrepreneur and investor. Being passionate about the topic and after repeatedly explaining the monetary environment to acquaintances, friends and family at their suggestion I finally started this website.
I find great utility in sharing my perspective on the economic events and am pleased with the website's growth. I was invited to contribute to the prestigious Seeking Alpha. As a Gold Standard Contributor I have had several articles syndicated through Yahoo! Finance and MarketWatch.
Oddly, I rarely write on what any particular individual should buy or sell but do occasionally give suggestions. Instead, I attempt to apply monetary science and provide interesting actionable news.
My articles are generally written objectively. If you have only one article to read I highly advise The First Snowfall of the Kondratieff Winter.
I also write politically charged articles like The Gold Standard Advocate. Because it is fun I will occasionally write a piece like US Dollar in Hyperinflation just to yank the tail of the current blind economic Establishment.
There is a lot of information accumulated here so I hope you find it a useful and helpful resource. Often I receive questions from readers which are the catalyst for articles such as A Problem With ETFs GLD and SLV and even esoteric subjects like backwardation.
This website is free for the readers but does have operational costs. I am not a fan of negative cash-flowing endeavors as they erode my net worth. Therefore, is funded by various methods of advertising such as affiliate programs like Earth Class Mail, GoldMoney or Amazon and Google Ads. I would love to hear if any of the affiliate programs have helped you. If you have a negative experience and think I can help then please let me know so I can bark at them. Enjoy!